The letters are starting to come in after the site's long dormant period, but I would like to see more. Please write!
The first Pilots game for me was, I believe, the third home game of the season. It was against the White Sox and I will never forget one play for the rest of my life:
at bat was Woody Held of the White Sox and he hit a line shot to left. Tommy Davis was playing left field and he turned and ran back with his back to the infield. The ball passed over his right shoulder, and it appeared he could have caught it if he had looked, but it hit the wall and bounced directly back at Tommy Davis. However, in true Pilots fashion that ball went between Davis' legs towards the infield.
My buddy Bill and I turned to each other and we each said, "I think this is going to be a long season."
As it turned out, it was a fond memory.
I first read "Ball Four" about 20 years ago,when I was in junior high. I have since re-read it dozens of times; usually every opening day I begin reading it again.
Finally, today I got around to fishing around for sites devoted to the Pilots and came across yours. Tremendous job piecing all this info together!!! Had to be hard since team existed for one year and neither M's, nor Brewers seem to want to have anything to do with the late Pilots.
I have bookmarked your site, and I am going to order the audio broadcasts, as well as the video.
Finding your site made my day. Thank you for all your time and effort.
I first pulled up this Web site probably four years ago after reading about it in a sports magazine. I was only three when the Pilots moved to Milwaukee, so a lot of my memory of the Pilots comes from my baseball card collecting. I can remember getting some 1969 Topps baseball cards in the mid-to-late '70s and asking my dad, “Who were the Pilots?” I, too, am amazed at how many baseball fans (especially Brewer fans!!!!) did not realize there was a team in Seattle in 1969 that became the Milwaukee Brewers. I’ve since put together the 1970 Topps team set (and I especially enjoy the Gallery on the site), and I’m always keeping my eye out on eBay for a Pilots jersey or hat (You’d be amazed at how many sellers try to pass off old Mariners merchandise as Pilots). I’m glad to see you’re back to updating the site; I look forward to seeing where it goes in the future. One question: I’ve been looking for a good book about the Pilots—Is there one out there? I know Jim Bouton’s “Ball Four” touches on his time with them briefly, but is there a good book out there that is mainly just about the Seattle Pilots?
NOTE FROM MIKE: There is a new book coming out, called The 1969 Seattle Pilots, by Kenneth Hogan. You could also check out Carson Van Lindt's long out-of-print book, The Seattle Pilots Story, which was published in 1993. There's usually a copy available on ABE Books, but expect to pay about $100!
Today was finally the day to make up for lost time. When I first heard about the "Turn Back The Clock" game, I knew I had to go. I'd been waiting for this moment for 37 years! I could not think of a better Father's Day present to my Dad than two tickets to the game. I have to admit, this was the best time I've had at a Mariners game in a looooong time. Perhaps it was the time I got to spend with my Father (who, at 83, is not in the greatest of health). Maybe it was seeing the look on his face as he recognized the old Pilots as they were introduced in pre-game ceremonies. Or it could simply be the atmosphere of "old-time" baseball complete with live organ music, the classic voice of Bill Schonely working the PA duties for an inning, and those fantastic Pilots uniforms - complete with striped stirrups. Once I got him home, my Father thanked me over and over again for taking him "out to the ballgame." Perhaps that'll be the memory I cherish the most. We may have had to wait 37 years for this moment, but it was well worth it.
I'm glad to see your site has been updated once more! Like you, I never had a chance to see a Pilots game with my Dad. I was three years old back in 1969 and when I asked my Parents why they never took me to a game, the answer was very simple: "Well Steven, we never thought they'd actually LEAVE!!!"