Remember to keep the letters coming!
I really enjoyed, though, the appearance of the likes of Tommy Davis, Steve Hovley, Bob Locker, etc., but I would have liked to see more Pilots players present at the pre-game ceremonies such as Gus Gil, Jim Bouton, Mike Marshall, Diego Segui, Tommy Harper, Don Mincher, Danny Walton, and others who are still alive. It would also have been nice to see Lou Piniella there, but I know he was in Pittsburgh for the All-Star Game.
I also thought that it would have been more meaningful if KOMO 1000's Rick Rizzs wouldn't have seemingly rushed through the list of Pilots players during his radio broadcast of the game, and instead, the PA announcer (or better yet...Bill Schonely) would have honored the players (both deceased and alive) by announcing all of the players during the pre-game ceremonies before Tommy Davis threw the first pitch. Oh, I thought it more appropriate that Bob Locker should've thrown out the first pitch (being that he did pitch for the Pilots) instead.
Another thing I would have liked to see more on the big screen in the outfield is more clips from "The First Voyage" (instead of present day bloopers). I think it would also have been great to see displays of Sick's Seattle Stadium around Safeco Field as a more authentic reminder of where the Pilots played. Another thing that would've been great to see the Mariners do is to fly replica team flags of the 1969 teams at the stadium as they do now to show the current standings.
And one last but not least thing...Can you tell me why the players and V.I.P.s who were honored there only wore replica jerseys and not the pants? It seems as if things were left undone or incomplete, leaving me with a feeling of dissatisfaction. I even thought it would've been a better idea to provide replica Pilots hats like the actual giveaways at Sick's Seattle Stadium. The hats given away are o.k., but even the logo isn't authentic. I understand the team choose that for the design. The same team (Mariners) who some have insisted on wearing the "pajama pants" look instead of showing the stirrups that help make the uniform complete.
Well, I guess when all is said and done you can say that the original 1969 Seattle Pilots were a one-of-a-kind and will never be replicated or replaced. I was glad, however, that the Mariners organization did remember to honor the 1969 Pilots team.
I was a bit sad but glad after watching the events of the Turn Back the Clock event at Safeco Field on July 9th. What bothered me the most is that the replica Pilots uniforms worn by the Mariners players were not authentic and had some serious flaws. These probably were not obvious to the typical non-Pilots fan, but for those Pilots fans as myself I couldn't help but notice. I understand that Dave Eskenazi and Chris Larson helped replicate the uniforms. But the appearance of the uniform left something to be desired. The helmets were Royal blue and were missing the 'bar' under the 'S'. The original helmets were dark blue and included the 'bar' under the 'S'. Also, the stirrups' piping was spaced too far apart, and each of the stripes were too far apart. And if I'm not mistaken, the piping on the sleeves seemed to be a brighter yellow instead of more of a gold color. If you simply refer to original Pilots photographs and even the 1970 Topps card of Bob Locker, you will notice the difference. The Pilots also did not wear the "100th Anniversary" patch on their home uniforms.
Did anyone have the number 47 or 54 On the Pilots?
NOTE FROM MIKE: Yes to both! I refer you to the numerical roster page in the Players section.
I grew up in Seattle. My dad and I went to quite a few Pilots games and before that, the minor league Angels.
At the last Seattle Angels game, they had a drawing for the home plate in Sick's Stadium, as the new major league team was coming to town.
My dad won it. They dug up the plate with the large wooden block attached to the bottom of it. Dad buried the block in our yard and plate in our yard in North Seattle, and it was my home plate growing up.
I still have the home plate and the P-I article that had my dad holding it up. The wooden block is still under the ground in my parents' yard in north Seattle.